Today, at the initiative of the chairman of the women’s Advisory Council of the Faculty of Art and museum studies of the National Institute of art and design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, Feruza Hasanova was awarded the winners of the “author of the best scientific and popular articles” competition, which was held in order to increase the scientific potential of

According to final results:
🥇MMT direction 3-Stage Student Ozoda Saloyeva-1st place,
🥈MPEKT direction 3-Stage Student Sabahat Tulkunova-2nd place,
Nil Mpekt direction Stage 3 student Nilufarkhon Toychieva as well as Munisa Yarashova-proud 3rd place.

✨For organizing the competition at a high level, Feruza Hasanova was awarded a tashakkurnoma by the faculty leadership.

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