Chair holder:
Dilshodjon To`rayevich Xaytmetov
Position: Head of the department
Reception days: Tuesday: 15: 00-17: 00 Friday: 15: 00-17: 00
Phone: (71) 254-64-99
There are 3 bachelor’s degrees in the department of repair of artistic ceramics and architectural monuments; There are 2 Master’s Degrees: Bachelor’s Degree: 1) The direction of art ceramics,
2) The direction of repair of architectural monuments, 3) The direction of repair of works of applied art
Master’s Degree:
1) Artistic ceramics.
2) Repair of architectural monuments of art.
Department of “Art ceramics” has been functioning since 1997 when the National Institute of Arts and Design named after KamoliddinBehzod separated from the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. This specialty, now known as “Art ceramics”, is one of the most unique spheres of our country, serving as the sole center for the preparation of ancient, medieval and modern material, cultural and ceramic art professionals. .
In the field of artistic ceramics, the specialists of this sphere are involved in scientific and practical classes in the field of ceramics.
At the department was founded professor Erovoy, Rakhimov, Aucheva, Sultonmuratov, A. Boymatov, S. Bondareva, A. Turgunov, R. YAngiboev, T. Ganshina. Nowadays there are professors and teachers working in the field of art ceramics: the head of the department: K. Siddikov, doctor of medical sciences S.Alieva, associate professor. F. Tashmukhamedov, docent D. Toshhodjaeva, docent. B. Abdasalomov, teacher U.Abduwakhobov.
“Architectural monuments restoration” began in 1976 at the “Design of Interiors” of the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute and was unveiled in 1983 with the newly renovated “Architectural Design” group. “ArchitecturalDecorationsrepairandinteriordesign. “
- In 1997, Kamoliddin was transformed into a special” Historical Monument Repair “as part of the National Institute of Design and Design named after Behzod. By the way, this specialty is famous for its “Repair of architectural monuments”, which is one of the rarest places in the country, with ancient, medieval and modern material, cultural and architectural monuments. is the only center that prepares specialists for the migration.
“Repair of architectural monuments” in the field of scientific and practical work on repair and monuments of our republic. experts are involved. Among them are Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. Abdurazzokov, V. Luneva, Doctor of Architecture, Professor M. Azimov and M. YuUsupova, Professor K. Kryukov, Candidates of Science, Associate Professors B. Turgunov, SHIIlhamov, Z.SH.Dosmetova, FXIslomov, B.Abdusalomov, SH Nurmuhammedova, senior teachers N.Akhmedov, A.Shoyunusov. young teachers I..Joniyeva and others.
“Repair of Applied Art” Specialty based in 1999, in the National Institute of Arts and Design named after KamoliddinBehzod the specialty “Repair of Applied Art” was created. This event has been able to speak for a short period of time, and autumn successes have been achieved. The first specialists, trained in this specialty since 2004, include many international archaeological expeditions, various museums of the Republic, including the State Museum of History of the Peoples of Uzbekistan, the Research Institute of Art Studies and the State Museum of Timurids History. The art issue is in the repair laboratories of Termez Archeology Museum.
“Repair of Applied Art” at the institute have been conducted the leading specialists of our republic, carrying out scientific and practical trainings, having a great experience of repair and monuments study in our country, the specialists involved in this sphere are involved in life. Among them are the Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.Abdurazzoqov, V Luneva, Candidates of Science, Associate Professors BA Turgunov, SHIIlhamov. FXIslomov senior teachers N.Akhmedov, docent I.Yo.Joniyeva, doctor of architecture AFOlimov, senior lecturer D.Haytmetov, young teachers X.Umarov, S.Abdudaeva, Sh.Mustafoev and others.
The professors and teachers of these nominations have been actively involved in many international and local scientific and practical conferences, publishing educational and methodological manuals, and teaching the younger generation to perfect their knowledge. and are coming.
Specialist disciplines in bachelor degree.
Artistic ceramics: Basics of composition, Basis of color and composition, Technique of art ceramics, Design of artistic ceramics, Technological design, Works on artistic ceramics, Materialism, Sculpture on specialty, History of art ceramics.
Specialist disciplines in bachelor degree.
Artistic Ceramics: Basics of composition, Technique of art ceramics, Artificial ceramics, Artificial ceramics, Artificial ceramics, Artificial ceramics.
The direction of repair of works of applied art:
Fundamentals of work, basics of archeology, basics of color and composity, Design of applied art works, Repair of applied art, Materials science, Applied art, Technology of mirroring, Sculpture by specialty, Types of applied arts, Reconditioning.
Master’s Degree Specialist.
Artistic ceramics: Artistic solutions in pottery, Artwork in artistic ceramics, Contemporary Artistic Art (Selection Science)
Repair of architectural monuments of art
The direction of the magistracy: Design in repairing, Repair of architectural monuments, The history and theory of repair, History and theory of Central Asian architecture (Selection science), methods of scientific research, their analysis (selection fan).
Professors and teachers of the chair are F.Sh.SH. and academic degree: The total number of professor-teachers is 10 units
Professor AAK: 1 personAssociate Professor of OAS – 1Associate Professor of the Institute – 4 peopleSenior teacher – 2 teachersTeacher-2The scientific potential of the department is 30%
- SiddikovKomilBoymirzaevich – the head of the department
AbdurazzoqovAbduganiAbdurazzoqavich – Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
TashkhodjaevaDiloromVoxidovna – Associate Professor
- AbdusalomovBakhtiyorUbaydullayevich – associate professor
- IslamovFeruzHashimovich – docent
- DoszinaZukhraShavkatovna – dotsent, candidate of architecture
- JonievaIrodaYOkubovna – associate professor
- KhaytmetovDilshodTuraevich – teacher instructor
Abdudaeva Loyalty – teacher
- UmarovHasanboy – teacher
Part time teachers
SaidovaSayyoraJuraevna – Dean of ASF. docent2. AlievaSurayyo – Associate Professor Doctor of Arts Sciences3. NurmukhamedovaSHoira – Associate Professor, Candidate of ArchitectureToshmuhamedovFarhadEminovich – associate professor5. NozilovDodaAvezovich – Professor6. Death Practice – Teacher, Doctor of Architecture7. MustafoevShakhboz – teacher8. AbduvohobovUlugbekMirzabahramovich – teacher