30 state grants were allocated for young citizens living abroad!

Applications from compatriots and young people who expressed their desire to study on the basis of a state grant in the fields
Applications from compatriots and young people who expressed their desire to study on the basis of a state grant in the fields
There are 9 days left to receive creative works for the competition among talented young artists dedicated to the work of Konstantin
📲📲 You can find answers to your questions about admission processes by calling this center. In connection with the start of the
The target admission parameters for the 2023-2024 academic year and the distribution of admission parameters in the language segment were posted on
The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has announced that it has allocated a total of 100 educational grants per year to
Today is the day of the birth of the head of the Department of youth work, spirituality and enlightenment of the National
A student of the 3rd stage of the educational direction of cartoon and computer mutplikation of the Faculty of Fine Arts of
Today, at the initiative of the chairman of the women’s Advisory Council of the Faculty of Art and museum studies of the
Ozoda Saloyeva, a third-year student of the Museum Management and Cultural Tourism Faculty of Art Studies and Museum Studies at the National