Head of the department: Khalilov Ilkhom Isroiljonovich
Reception hours: Tuesday: 15.00-17.00 Thursday: 15.00-17.00
Phone: (+998 93) 776-41-13
In 1966, on the basis of the theatre and Art Institute named after S. Ostrovsky, the department “Monumental painting” was created. Today, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 11, 1997 at the National Institute of Arts and Design named after K. Behzoda, the Faculty of “Fine Arts” prepares specialists in the direction of Bachelor “Painting ( Monumental) “, as well as specialists in the direction of Master degree” Decoration of Fine and Applied art “and” Painting (Monumental
About the directions and specialties of department”Monumental painting”
5150800 – Painting (monumental)
5A151201-Scenery of fine and applied art (monumental and decorative art)
specialty of a master degree;
5A150804 – Painting (monumental painting) specialty of a master degree
Direction of painting (monumental):
As a part of Monumental Painting department such teachers and teachers as national artists of Uzbekistan, academicians of Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan G. Kadyrov, professor R. Hudayberganov, associate professor Ch. Bekmirov, S. Rakhmonov, N. Mirzakhoshimova, A. Alikulov, associate professors A. Tyurin, N. Shoabdurakhimov, V. Hapov, I. Khalilov, teachers B. Obidov, U. Radzhabov, Sh. Dzhumaniyazov, O. Salikhov, K. Umurzakov, D. Kurbonov, F. Sattorov work and share the secrets.
In this direction students study in the following subjects: “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Bases of composition and chromatics”, “Work in material of monumental painting”, “Design and prototyping”, “Composition”, “Materials science, technic and technology”.
Professional activity of the undergraduate includes:
- methods of the image of the drawing and their degree;
- use of color in an illustration;
- restoration of wall art;
- creation of compositions of wall art;
- use of various receptions and the technician in monumental painting;
- modern technical sources in the field of art design and monumental painting
- modern requirements to conceptual scenarios when forming architectural space and their processing;
- Creation and processing of projects on the basis of modern computer programs.
Decorative art in fine and applied art (Monumental decorative art)
Specialty of a master degree
It is a part of Monumental Painting department in which the skills and abilities are transferred by highly skilled teachers: professor Rustam Hudayberganov, associate professor ChoriBekmirov. They are the main link in training of specialists in the following objects: Art painting, Art drawing, Composition of decorative monumental art, Decorative art of fine and applied art, Technician of material and technology, Synthesis of architecture and composition, Analysis of color painting.
Professional spheres of activity of masters:
The higher education, retraining and retraining and training in average special and professional educational institutions;
For a solution of complex problems of monumental decorating in Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan and art activity and architecture, collective buildings, landscapes, the recreation areas connected with art creativity.
Depending on modern achievements of science, the equipment and equipment, in requirements to personnel, additional changes and changes in objects of professional activity of bachelors are possible.
Objects of professional activity in magistracies in the field of decorative art of fine and applied art (monumental and decorative art)
- Creation of compositions of fine and applied art in public buildings;
- development of technologies of works of decorative fine and applied art;
- Wall painting, with graphic, mosaic, stained-glass windows, tapestries (art textiles),
- development of decorative plaster and types of applied art;
- Design of applied decorative images for monumental constructions of decorating in architecture, public buildings, landscapes, recreation areas;
- Modification of decorative works in architecture, public buildings, landscapes and recreation areas
- the embodiment of synthesis of architecture and monumental and decorative art in architecture, public buildings, landscapes and recreation areas;
- research process;
- educational process;