⚡️ Registration of applicants for the 2023-2024 academic year has begun

The target admission parameters for the 2023-2024 academic year and the distribution of admission parameters in the language segment were posted on the website of the Knowledge Evaluation Agency my.uzbmb.uz.

✅ Applicants can register online through the section “Admission to bachelor’s degrees of higher educational institutions” on the my.uzbmb.uz site (Fig. 1).

👨🏻‍💻 In this case, applicants have the opportunity to choose up to five undergraduate courses with the same range of subjects and the same sequence (Figures 2 and 3).

📆 Registration of applicants will continue until July 20 (also on July 20).

❗️Admission to education courses where a creative exam in a foreign language will be held will be completed on July 10.

NOTE: within this period, applicants can change their information and, if they have a certificate in a foreign language, enter the certificate information into the system. Once the document has been accepted, it is not possible to change the direction or add any information.

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