Head of the department: Kultasheva Nigoraxon Daniyarovna


Reception hours: Monday: 15.00-17.00 Wednesday: 15.00-17.00

Phone: (+9989) 396-60-75

History of the Department of History and Theory of Fine Arts

The department was established in the 1964-65 academic year at the former Institute of Theater and Art. In the early years, leading art critics of the Republic, such as Academician GA Pugachenkova, Professor LI Rempel, EV Rtveladze, RH Toktosh, AR Umarov, taught students “History and Theory of Art.” Later, such scientists as L.Shostko, B.Turgunov, A.Khakimov, N.Abdullaev joined them.
Significant changes in the department began in 1997 – after the establishment of the National Institute of Art and Design named after K. Behzod. Art critics N.Oydinov, N.Abdullaev, N.Akhmedova, K.Akilova worked during this period. Currently, the department has 24 professors and teachers.
The department trains art critics at the bachelor’s and master’s levels with a degree in Art History (Fine and Applied Arts).

List of disciplines taught at the department:


“History of General Art”,
“European and Asian art of XX-XXI centuries”,
“History of Oriental Art”,
History of Art of Uzbekistan
“History of Applied Decorative Arts”,
“History of Uzbek folk applied art”,
Review and Editing,
“General history of fine arts”,
History and Theory of Art Criticism
“Books and miniatures of the East”,
“Theater, cinema and music”,
“Myths and legends in the fine arts”,
“Fundamentals of Art History”,
International Relations and Cultural Relations
“Fundamentals of scientific work”,
“History of Central Asian Art”,
“Fundamentals of Art Journalism”,
History of Eastern European Art is taught.

At the master’s level:

“History of Central Asian Fine Arts”,
“History of Central Asian Applied Arts”,
“Theory and practice of world art processes”,
“Research methods and their analysis”,
Subjects such as “Methods of teaching special subjects” are taught.

The role of specialization in the field of art in the bachelor’s degree:

Art History 5150200-Art History (Fine and Applied Arts), 5150200 – Art History (Art Criticism), 5150200 Art History (Fine and Applied Arts) ) Professional skills of the bachelor in the field of (part-time) education Mastering and studying the experience of development of art of Uzbekistan and the world, all aspects of the history, theory and methodology of fine and applied arts, artistic values conservation and preservation, the study of the history of origin and social functions of fine works.

Areas of professional activity:

The department prepares specialists with a master’s degree in art theory and history (by type). Areas of professional activity; art critics will be trained for art and culture centers, art galleries, exhibition halls, research institutes, cultural and educational institutions, publishing houses, radio and television. They are also involved in art criticism, research and teaching.

Objects of professional activity at the master’s level

Objects of professional activity of masters in the specialty 5A150203-Theory and history of art (fine and applied arts): museums, exhibitions, galleries of various specialties, research institutes, cultural and educational institutions, publishing houses art editing, radio and television, commercial system work.

Types of professional activities
Masters in 5A150203-Theory and History of Art (Fine and Applied Arts) in the following areas of independent creative, research and scientific-pedagogical, professional activity:
– Carry out independent creative, research, scientific and pedagogical management and professional activities in the chosen specialty;
– postgraduate education in the specialty in accordance with the master’s degree;
– receive additional professional training in the system of advanced training and retraining;
– teaching special subjects in higher and secondary special education institutions;
– work in management positions in state, enterprise, institution, organization museums, galleries, exhibition halls;
– can teach in state and non-state higher and secondary special, vocational education institutions

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