Head of the Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment:
Ergashev Shohbek Muzaffarovich
Reception days: Wednesday-Friday 16.00-18.00
Phone: (71) 254-64-12
The department of work with youth, spirituality and education of institute carries out the organization of spiritual and moral education of younger generation on the basis of the ideas of national independence, rich national and cultural and historical traditions and universal values.
She conducts monitoring of ensuring performance of the Education act of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees, Orders and Resolutions of the President, Resolutions of the Cabinet, Resolutions, orders, letters of recommendation and telephone messages of the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education and also control over the implementation of orders of the rector at faculties, departments.
She provides the organization of timely bringing to students and the faculty of the tasks defined in decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the resolutions OlIyMazhlis and the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders MBCCO and also the law “About Education” and “National Program of training”, reports of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
she controls the work which is carried out in the spiritual and educational sphere of institute, creates the database of the spiritual and educational sphere and provides its updating.
So renders the practical help to the psychologist and tutor-teacher of the dormitory in the organization of research for studying of social psychological state of professors-teachers and students,directs development and implementation of actions for improvement and improvement of spiritual, educational and educational work at institute and in dormitories.
In accordance with the established procedure promotes the organization at institute of development of physical culture and sport and also the organization of sports competitions.
Coordinates work of deans of faculties, deputy deans for work with youth and also activity of public organizations and council of the public.