At the National Institute of Fine Arts and design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod was held a roundtable discussion and educational meeting on the topic “Peace is the highest blessing” and “Islam has no place for extremism and terrorism” aimed at strengthening prevention among professors and students

On February 5, 2019, a round table discussion entitled “Peace is the highest blessing” and “Islam has no place for extremism and terrorism” was held at the National Arts and Design Institute named after Kamoliddin Behzod.

Ilkhom Marupov, responsible for the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department of Muslims of the Republic of Uzbekistan Eshmatbekov Hamidzhon, Head of the Department for Work with Youth, Jumashov D., Departments of Spiritual and Educational Work, Social Sciences Associate Professor, Chair of the Council of Educators , Chairman of the Public Council H. Rakhmanov, members of the Faculty of Informatics, Associate Professor, 65 Students and “Baynalminal Mahalla” Citizen Collection Officer S. Mamadaliev.

The head of the department for work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment D. Jumashov opened the event with the word “welcome”. The main objective of the event is to create immunity to various dangerous ideas that professor and teachers are trying to mislead, and to explain the need to combat the knowledge of the opposing forces at the right time and with many practical measures which was in process.

Invited specialists were presented to the participants of the event, and the words were handed over to the responsible officer of the Committee for Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ilkhom Marupov.

In his speech, Ilkhom Marupov said that religious extremism and terrorism are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world, as well as about terrorist organizations, their terrorist ideologies and the terrorist movements they are doing. For example, he gave examples of massacres committed by these terrorist organizations.

He also urged students to constantly monitor the threat of such groups and monitor them because of the fraud of various religious extremist organizations that are concerned about the world community. Internet sites of terrorist organizations, especially in social networks, should be very careful when using Internet sites and social networks.

Then the head of the department of Muslims of the Republic of Uzbekistan Eshmatbekov Hamidjon was handed a lecturer.

Eshmatbekov Hamidhon, a teacher, said that peace is the highest honor in the world, and that it is a sacred duty for all to appreciate it. At the same time, students should be very careful with the use of their websites, and that if they need any information on religious issues, it is necessary to use, which, in turn, will become the basis for avoiding risks. There is no doubt that such meetings and propaganda activities among students are a great help in preventing various crimes, in preventing students from turning into unfaithful and in the sad consequences that may arise. At the same time, we live in such a heavenly country, and this is our happiness, and our country is our duty to protect and defend it.

Professor of the National Academy of Arts, National Arts and Design Institute named after Kamoliddin Behzod Hasanali Rakhmanov believes that these issues are really relevant, and that religious extremism and terrorism are becoming more common in the world, and we don’t have to rely on terrorist organizations to be indifferent, we should be respected, and our peaceful life should be valued and discussed at the round table. The starting points, the refined trainer also emphasized neo attraction of students.

After a lively conversation, the head of the department for youth, spirituality and education D. Jumashov thanked the participants of the event and stressed that such round tables would not be ineffective.

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