30 state grants were allocated for young citizens living abroad!

Applications from compatriots and young people who expressed their desire to study on the basis of a state grant in the fields
Applications from compatriots and young people who expressed their desire to study on the basis of a state grant in the fields
There are 9 days left to receive creative works for the competition among talented young artists dedicated to the work of Konstantin
As noted at these seminars conducted by professors of the department of “Social sciences”, pedagogy and “Vocational education”, the development strategy of
First of all, it should be noted that the rector of the institute Abbosjon Mirzorakhimov tasked to create conditions as well as
As noted in these lively discussions, these topics are also relevant for the development of art education today. This requires more responsibility
Nowadays, in our country, all the opportunities are created further to strengthen the role and importance of women in society, educate them,
Today, deep reforms are being carried out in the higher education system to boost science and make our country one of the
These days, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education is holding the republican stage of the competition “Student of the year
One of the current conditions for developing higher education institutions is the internationalization of their activities. This process has the advantages of