Nishanova Sayyora Djuravaevna
Position: Dean of the Faculty of Design
Reception days: Tuesday 14: 00-16: 00, Friday 14: 00-16: 00
Phone number: (71) 254-20-27: (97) 773-61-33
Email address: snishanova1967@mail.ru

Nishanova Sayyora Djuravaevna was born on April 25, 1967 in the city of Tashkent. From 2014 to 2020 he worked as the director of Yakkasaray Vocational College of Light Industry. From August 24, 2020 to the present day he is the dean of the faculty “Design” of the institute.

Boriev Sherzod Khuldashevich
Position: Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Design.
Reception days: Monday 14: 00-16: 00, Thursday 14: 00-16: 00
Phone number: (71) 254-20-27
Email address:

Mahamadjonov Murodjon Narimonovich
Position: Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs, Spiritual and Educational Affairs, Faculty of Design.
Reception days: Wednesday 14: 00-16: 00, Saturday 14: 00-16: 00
Phone number: (71) 254-20-27, 90-167-79-70
Email address:

Faculty of Design

In our country, the training of qualified specialists in the field of design is required. Therefore, in order to meet the needs in this area, in 1999, the Department of Design was established within the Faculty of Applied Arts of the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, which includes the training of specialists in the field of design education. ‘year.
In 2001, on the basis of the design department, the department of clothing design was separated.
Due to the rapid growth of demand in this field in our country and the increase in the number of students, in 2003 the Faculty of Design was established. Currently, the faculty has more than 593 students studying in 7 areas. The faculty has 1 candidate of sciences, 14 associate professors, 9 senior lecturers and 18 teachers.

Since September 24, 2020 Nishanova Sayyora Djuravaevna has been working as the dean of the faculty. To date, the faculty has more than 593 students (undergraduate and graduate).

Design (interior design)

Design (clothing and fabrics)

Vocational Education Design (clothing and fabrics)

Vocational education Design _interior design)
Design (computer graphics and art photography)
Staff in design (advertising and applied graphics) are being trained.

Activities of the departments of the Faculty of Design

There are three departments at the Faculty of Design:

Department of “Design”, “Clothing Design” and “Practical Graphics”

Head of the design department: Mannopova Nilufar Ravshanovna

He has been working as the head of the department “Design” since 2015. The department prepares staff for the following bachelor’s and master’s degrees:

5111000-Vocational education (5150900) -Design (interior design)
5150900-Design (interior design)
Master’s degree

5A150901-Design (interior art)
Head of the Department of Clothing Design: Ataxanova Feruza Zakhirovna
The Department of Clothing Design was established in 2001 at the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, and its concept is based on a new methodological concept of design activity. The scientific and technical process in the field of light industry is largely associated with the creative activity of the designer, that is, the creation of a new design of clothing, design and rationalization inventions, discoveries and innovations in industrial production.

The department prepares staff for the following bachelor’s and master’s degrees:
5111000-Vocational education 5150900-Design (clothes and fabrics)
5150900-Design (clothing and fabrics)
Master’s degree
5A150901-Design (clothing and fabrics)

Head of the Department of Applied Graphics: Namozov Bakhrom Khudoyshukurovich
The Department of Clothing Design was established in 2001 at the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, and its concept is based on a new methodological concept of design activity. The scientific and technical process in the field of light industry is largely associated with the creative activity of the designer, that is, the creation of a new design of clothing, design and rationalization inventions, discoveries and innovations in industrial production.

The department prepares staff for the following bachelor’s and master’s degrees:

5150900 Design (computer graphics and art photography)
5150900 Design (advertising and practical graphics)
Master’s degree
5A150904-Design (computer graphics and art photography)
5A150903-Design (advertising and practical graphics)

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