Mannopova Nilufar Ravshanovna

Position: Head of the department

Reception days: Tuesday: 15: 00-17: 00; Friday: 15: 00-17: 00

Tel: (71) 254-20-27


1989y. He was born on October 1st. Higher education, 2012 Specialty of the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod – interior design. Pedagogical experience -10 years. Head of the design department. Author of 1 textbook, 14 scientific articles

Department of Design

Department of “Design”: In 1976, a new department “Interior and Furniture” was opened at the Department of “Monumental-decorative painting” of the Tashkent Institute of Theater and Art named after AN Ostrovsky. In 1983, in connection with the establishment of a new department “Repair of architectural decor” in the department of “Monumental-decorative color image” opened a new department of “Architectural decor repair and interior design.”

In 1991, the Tashkent Institute of Theater and Art named after AN Ostrovsky was renamed the Tashkent State Institute of Arts named after M. Uygur. In 1997. The National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod was established under the auspices of the Academy of Arts. In 1999, the department of “Architectural decor repair and interior design” was divided into two independent departments. Department of “Design” and “Repair of architectural monuments.”

There are 3 bachelor’s degrees in design; There is 1 joint educational program, 1 master’s degree:

Bachelor’s degree programs:

Design (interior design);
Vocational education – design (interior design);
Design (industrial design);
Joint study program with the International Chanapatana Institute in Thailand – Design (interior design);

Master’s degree:

Design (interior design);

Undergraduate education: Design (interior design), Professional education – design (interior design), Design (industrial design), Design (interior design) on the basis of a joint educational program with the International Chanapatana Institute in Thailand design)

Master’s degree in: Design (interior design)

The following professors and teachers work in the field of “Design (interior design)”: Head of the Department Mannopova Nilufar Rovshanovna, Candidate of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor Mansurov Yashnar Marufovich, Associate Professor Mahmudova Malika Taxirovna, Associate Professor Rozikberdiev Murtazo, Ismaildjanovich, associate professor Tabibov Abduvoris Latipovich, associate professor Isakova Muqaddas Badirovna, associate professor Kasimov Oybek Sadikjanovich, senior teacher Abdukarimov Begali Abdalievich, senior teacher Fattokhov Odil Kadirovich, senior teacher Sereeva Guljazira Adilbaevna teacher Shoipova Dilova Ahunova Nazokat Khairulla qizi, teacher Sultanova Mukhayyo Fakhriddin qizi, teacher Kamalova Fotima Karim qizi, teacher Tursunova Shakhnoza Furkatovna, teacher Hasanova Maftuna Alisher qizi, teacher Anvarov Sanjar Rovshan oglu

The following professors and teachers work in the field of “Professional education – design (interior design)”: Head of the Department Mannopova Nilufar Rovshanovna, Candidate of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor Mansurov Yashnar Marufovich, Associate Professor Mahmudova Malika Taxirovna , Associate Professor Roziqberdiev Murtazo, Ismaildjanovich, Associate Professor Tabibov Abduvoris Latipovich, Associate Professor Isakova Muqaddas Badirovna, Associate Professor Kasimov Oybek Sadikjanovich, Senior Lecturer Abdukarimov Begali Abdalievich, Senior Lecturer Fattokhov Odil Kadirovich, Senior Lecturer Soraeva Sereeva Dilnoza Shokasimovna, teacher Ahunova Nazokat Khairulla qizi, teacher Sultanova Mukhayyo Fakhriddin qizi, teacher Kamalova Fotima Karim qizi, teacher Tursunova Shakhnoza Furkatovna, teacher Hasanova Maftuna Alisher qizi, teacher Erkaboev Sherzodjon Mahmudalievich, o Anvarov Sanjar Rovshan oglu, teacher

The following professors and teachers work in the field of “Design (industrial design)”: Associate Professor Kasimov Oybek Sadikjanovich, Senior Lecturer Fattokhov Odil Kadirovich, Teacher Saipova Dilnoza Shokasimovna, Teacher Tursunova Shakhnoza Furkatovna, teacher Hasanova Maftuna Alisher qizi, teacher Erkaboev Sherzodjon Mahmudalievich, teacher Rakhmonov Jakhongir Mamasharibovich

The following professors and teachers work in the field of “Joint educational program with the International Chanapatana Institute in Thailand – Design (interior design)”: Head of the Department Mannopova Nilufar Rovshanovna, Associate Professor Roziqberdiev Murtazo, Ismaildjanovich, Associate Professor Tabibov Abduvoris Latipovich, associate professor Kasimov Oybek Sadikjanovich, senior teacher Abdukarimov Begali Abdalievich, senior teacher Fattokhov Odil Kadirovich, teacher Saipova Dilnoza Shokasimovna, teacher Akhunova Nazokat Khairulla qizi,

In the specialty of master’s degree:

The following professors and teachers work in the specialty “Design (interior design)”: Ph.D., Professor Khodjaev Abbos Agzamovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Mansurov Yashnar Marufovich, Associate Professor Mahmudova Malika Taxirovna

Specialties taught at the department in the bachelor’s degree program.

“Design (interior design)”: Interior design, Interior composition and color, Materials science, Architecture and design graphics, Exterior and interior pers

Perspective, History of Interior, Fundamentals of Design Methodology, Lighting Design, Building Structures, Ergonomics in Interior, Architectural Design, Design of Design Objects in Autodesk Programs, Artistic Design, Layout, Building Types, Environmental Design

“Professional training-design (interior design)” Interior design, Interior composition and color, Materials science, Architecture and design graphics, Exterior and interior perspective, Interior history, Basics of design methodology, Lighting design, Building constructions, Interior ergonomics, Architectural Design, Design Object Design in Autodesk Programs, Artistic Design, Layout, Building Types, Environmental Design

“Design (Industrial Design)” Design, Fundamentals of Painting and Composition, Materials Science, Design, Industrial Graphics, Architecture, History of Industrial Design, Sculpture and Plastic Modeling, Ergonomics

“Joint study program with the International Chanapatana Institute in Thailand – Design (interior design)” Interior design, Interior composition and color, Materials science, Architecture and design graphics, Exterior and interior perspective, History of architecture and art, Basics of design methodology , Lighting Design, Building Structures, Ergonomics in the Interior, Design Object Design in Autodesk Programs, Environmental Design

Subjects taught in the master’s degree.

“Design (interior design)”: Artistic design, Interiors of residential and public buildings, Design theory and methodology, Structures in modern design, Architectural bionics, Interior and equipment.

Professors and teachers of the department F.I.Sh. and academic degree:

The number of full-time faculty members is 15

Of which:

OAK associate professors-3 people

Associate Professor – 3 people

Senior teacher – 3 people

Teacher – 6 people

Scientific potential of the department – 20%


Main state

Mannopova Nilufar Rovshanovna – head of the department
Mansurov Yashnar Marufovich – Candidate of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor
Mahmudova Malika Taxirovna – Associate Professor
Roziqberdiev Murtazo Ismaildjanovich – Associate Professor
Tabibov Abduvoris Latipovich – Associate Professor
Isakova Muqaddas Badirovna – Associate Professor
Kasimov Oybek Sadikjanovich – Associate Professor
Abdukarimov Begali Abdalievich – senior teacher
Fattokhov Odil Kadyrovich is a senior teacher
Saipova Dilnoza Shokasimovna – teacher
Akhunova Nazokat Khairulla qizi – teacher
Sultanova Muhayyo Fakhriddin is a teacher
Kamalova Fatima Karim kyzy is a teacher
Tursunova Shakhnoza Furkatovna – teacher
Hasanova Maftuna Alisher qizi is a teacher


Khodjaev Abbos Agzamovich- t.f.d, professor
Sereeva Guljazira Adilbaevna is a senior teacher
Erkabaev Sherzodjon Mahmudalievich – teacher
Anvarov Sanjar Rovshan oglu is a teacher
Rakhmonov Jakhongir Mamasharibovich – teacher

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