On May 8, 2019 in the Faculty of Art History of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod held a memorial evening on the theme “Remember …” dedicated to the 9 May International Day of Remembrance and Honor” by the Department of History and Theory of Fine Arts”. Art of Uzbekistan has been developing since mid-20th century. The role of scientists and scholars in the field of fine and applied arts is immeasurable. The role of the scientific work of the late scientists such as G. Pugachenkova, R. Romel, LV Shostko, V.Lakovskaya, A.Umarov, R.X.Takhtash, G.I.Babjanova, N.Abdullaev, Sh.G.Gulomova in art is great and their names are alive. Scientific publications published by them still remain scientific and their names remain eternal.

The memorable event “Remember …” was held with the participation of professors and teachers of the department of “History and Theory of Fine Arts”, where every professor-teacher participated in a lecture on a scientist. At the end of each lecture there were some other ideas and remarkable memories about the scientist whose names were mentioned by the event participants.

Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts B.Sangirov opened the event with the opening speech. Ravshan Saidullaevich Fatkhullaev, Associate Professor of the Department of “History and Theory of Fine Arts”, moderated the event with his impressions of his memories on the activities of professorial-teaching staff since his student years.
Speakers Abidjan Abdullaev, the head of the department of “History and Theory of Fine Arts”: “The representatives of Art studies of Uzbekistan”, Shukhrat Abdullaev, senior lecturer of the department of “History and Theory of Fine Arts” – “Recalling N.A.Abdullayev”, Ravshan Fatkhullaev – “ Memories about L.V. Shostko”, Nigora Kultasheva, Darmon Kuryazova – “Remembering G.I.Babajanova …”, Farida Maksumova – “Remembrance of A.Umarov …”, Dilzoda Alimkulova – “R.H.Taktaash-Remembrance. .. “, have made interesting lectures. In addition to the speakers, the Department of “History and Theory of Fine Arts”, teachers of the Department of “Museum Studies” also memorized the impressions of the late pedagogues about their activity at the institute by slide-based photos.

In addition, an exhibition was organized on the basis of the collected scientific literature of scientists who left an indelible mark on their scientific literature in the arts of Uzbekistan.