Personal exhibition of Izzat Yuldoshev “Innovative fantasy”

At the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, the Department of Youth, Spirituality and Education together with the Youth Union of Uzbekistan initiates a series of exhibitions of young artists devoted to the activities of young people. The next exhibition, which was organized on May 14, 2012 at the Youth Creativity Palace, was dedicated to the creative activity of Izzat Yuldoshev, a 4th year student in the Fine Arts Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Izzat Yuldoshev’s personal exhibition “Innovative fantasy” is made up of typical figurine, drawings and painting.

Izzat Yuldoshev – one of the most talented artists. Along with the works of painting, it is observed that the computer works in a vertical coloring and creates unique works. For more than 10 years, he has been contributing to the development of designs of more than 500 political, social and economic, literary, scientific and popular books and textbooks in the largest publishing houses in Uzbekistan. His works include an allegorical tone from the imaginary world and illusory. As an example, the story of Pegas and Arax featured a legendary scene. The original world of the author is clearly illustrated in his creative work. “Pandora”, “Apocalypse”, “The Wolf of Magic”, “Man and nature”, “Land of Miracles 10” are featured in the mythological plot. The exposition presents about 50 works.

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