Aliyeva Nargiza Bakhtikhoziyevna
Position: Head of Department
Reception days: Monday, Saturday 14.00-18.00
Tel: (71) 254-92-18
Activities of the educational-methodical department
Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Resolutions, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, letters of instruction, modemograms and telephone messages, as well as the Rector Ensuring and monitoring the implementation of orders in faculties, departments, divisions
To inform students about the content of decrees and resolutions adopted by the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ensuring that educational work is organized in accordance with state educational standards
Ensuring the implementation of curricula of faculties and departments
General management of all activities and staff of the department
Improving the quality of lessons, ensuring and monitoring the implementation of individual plans of teachers
Develop proposals for the efficient use of classrooms, technical equipment of classrooms and laboratories
Provide and analyze annual reports of faculties and departments
Carrying out the relevant work on internal certification, preparation and conduct of external certification of MRDI in the prescribed manner
Prepare for the school year and ensure that an annual work plan for the learning process is developed
Ensuring and controlling the distribution of workload in the faculties and departments in accordance with the correct and existing regulations
Ensuring the use, utilization and distribution of the auditorium fund at the Institute
Ensuring the availability and storage of documents related to the educational process
Organization of work on the creation, translation and provision of textbooks and teaching aids in all faculties
Ensuring the training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and specialists, the development and implementation of plans for professional development of teachers
Provide curricula and science programs for all majors
Ensuring that students’ internships and internships are organized
Ensuring the implementation of modern rating systems for assessing student knowledge
Ensuring the application of modern methods and tools for independent learning of students
Ensuring timely and quality preparation of issues related to the educational process in accordance with the plan of the MRDI Academic Council
Submit information and reports on the activities of the department to the Ministry in a timely manner and in the prescribed manner
To perform one’s duties conscientiously