
Section 1. General rules

1.1. This higher education institution is an institute under the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, which regulates the norms of the institution (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”), the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Program of Personnel Training, Laws “On Fundamentals of Youth Policy”, “On Education”, “On the Fundamentals of State Youth Policy” and “On Freedom of Information Pressures and Guarantees”, relevant orders of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, the relevant orders of the Ministry of Secondary Specialized Education, the Charter of the Institute, internal procedures and universally recognized moral and ethical principles.

In the development of “rules”, the Law on Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for the constitutional right to determine the legal basis of education, training, vocational training and to ensure the constitutional right of everyone to education, for the development and implementation of effective forms and methods of spiritual and moral upbringing and educational work, the main function of the institute is education and upbringing.

1.2. “Rules” shall enter into force upon approval by the Scientific Council of the Institute and amendments and additions shall be made by the decision of the Scientific Council.

1.3. “Rules” determine the ethical principles of the institution’s staff, faculty, staff, and students (team members) in their relationship with the institute, the rules, and responsibilities that are required to comply with.

1.4. Observance of “rules” is obligatory for all members of the institute.

1.5. Any student applying for the university or any person applying for a job is obliged to read and follow the rules.

1.6. The Institute is interested in complying with the guidelines in relations with public, state and non-governmental organizations, educational and scientific institutions, business entities, the media and parents of students.

Section 2. Goals and objectives

2.1. The purpose of the “rules” is to form a healthy moral and social-psychological environment at the institute, to preserve its prestige and reputation, to assist in the training of highly qualified cadres meeting high moral and ethical requirements, increasing the prestige of society and the education system.

2.2. The main objectives of the “rules” are:

– training of energetic, faith-conscious and conscientious specialists with high spiritual and ethical qualities, a sense of responsibility to the society, the state and the family, who understands the internal and external policies of the state, is patriotic and humane, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial, and with high humanistic qualities;

– formation, preservation, and protection of the spiritual immunity of members of the institute;

– Preventing any behavior that has been committed on the morals of youth, including propaganda of violence, ill-treatment, and cruelty, including the use of alcohol and drug addiction, other deadly threats, and extreme religious and extremist to protect them from the effects of improper “mass culture” attacks.

Section 3. Common rules for team morals

3.1. At the institute, it is important conditions for mutual understanding, mutual trust, respect, mutual care, and relationships among members of the community.

3.2. The basic principle of mutual relations in the institute is that the rights of one person should not infringe the rights of another person, including freedom of speech by a member of the community, to insult him, to insult him or to denounce him publicly, freedom of speech does not guarantee the right to freedom of religion in the institution of religious ceremonies, and does not guarantee the freedom of clothing to have a negative impact on the educational process at school.

3.3. Team members should not wear clothing to the institute that attracts people’s attention, transparent, with open shoulders, chest, and stomach, as well as the upper parts of the knee and too tight clothes or religious body kits, metal chains, pins. It is forbidden to come in sportswear or footwear. Team members have to come to the institute dress in a uniform.

3.4. In order to respect the honor and dignity of the team member and protect the spiritual heritage of our people, members of the community to respect one another should be considered as a habit.

3.5. Members of the Institute must respect the speakers at various events (such as meetings, festivals, festivals, holidays), and maintain the peace of mind. If necessary, a person can leave the hall at the time of the break.

3.6. When traffic jams arise in buildings, students are required to leave professors and teachers, while men should miss women.

3.7. Everyone entering the premises shall be obliged to provide the responsible person or guardian with an indication of his / her personal identification.

3.8. Members of the team must move from the right side of the road in the Institute. When greeted each other, they welcome the following: Students are encouraged to greet professors and teachers and employees, men and women, and young adults. This is an exception, and it can be handed over to the elderly only once the hands are handed over.

3.9. It is forbidden to place or use issues that are not inherent in national or global values, or relating to the internal problems of the Institute, to the Internet.

3.10. The production, storage, dissemination and propagation of any material that is not related to the institute, as well as any film, illicit religious information, misinformation, national, racial, ethnic or religious hatred is forbidden.

3.11. It is forbidden to engage in activities that may interfere with exercise and safety of work and team members (unreasonable use of radios, televisions, tape recorders, and other audio enhancements).

3.12. Members of the Institute must come timely according to the schedule and work schedule.

3.13. It is forbidden to commit any offense, including slander, insult, dissemination of information that may cause material damage to a member of the community, injury to the victim, (drugs, psychotropic drugs, etc.), drunkenness, smuggling, racketeering, quarreling, gambling and other pagan-based games.

Section 4. The relationship between teaching staff and students in the educational process

4.1. The relationship of professor-teachers and students in the educational process should be based on the national traditions of “teacher-apprentice”.

4.2. Whenever a professor or teacher enters the audience, all students should be greeted and then taken to their seats.

4.3. It is forbidden for everyone to use cellular communication during classes.

4.4. If the student interferes with his / her ill-treatment, the professor-teacher may notify the dean of the situation and may disassociate such student from his / her occupation.

4.5. If the student needs to communicate with professor-teacher during his / her study, then the student will have the following rules:

– The professor-teacher conducts classes, consultation hours, self-study, rating control, or in accordance with the schedule in accordance with the schedule;

– He / she must know the position, name, patronymic and surname of professor-teacher who wants to communicate.

4.6. If the student arrives before a professor-teacher without prior arrangement, he or she has no right to require a teacher to speak for a short period of time, whether it is late or not.

4.7. In some cases, students may apply for a change of professor or teacher. This requires serious reasons (brutality, harassment, evidence of provisional interruption in teacher training), and the group must have the same opinion.

4.8. In case of a conflict of opinion between the professor and the student, the student may apply to the head of the department with a request to allow the rating to be passed to the special commission. In this case, the application should be justified. These issues are solved by the dean of the faculty upon the presentation of the head of the department.

Section 5. The relationship of professor-teachers

5.1. In the mutual relations of professors and teachers –  should follow the principles of the only team, mutual respect, and attention, friendship, solidarity, honesty and justice.

5.2. In the relations of professor-teacher relations, disrespect of human dignity, personality discrimination, acquisition of intellectual property, rudeness, misuse of words, fraud, moral, material or physical damage to others is strictly forbidden.

Section 6. Obligations of employees.

6.1. Strict observance of the Charter of the Institute and internal regulations;

6.2. Doing so conscientiously and without prejudice to their duties;

6.3. Communicating with staff, students and other people who communicate in business in a good manner;

6.4. Compliance with occupational safety, health, and safety regulations;

6.5. To adhere to the culture of wearing clothes, not to wear ornament dresses in other buildings and exterior of the institute, including classrooms of the institute (Article 184-1 of the Codex of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Responsibility ) or do not wear in a carelessly attentive dress;

6.6. Careful attitude to the property of the Institute, faculties, departments, and laboratories.

Section 7. Interaction of students

7.1. In the relationships of the students – the only team, the principles of mutual respect and attention, friendship, solidarity, honesty, and justice.

7.2. In students’ relationships, disrespect for human dignity, discrimination, acquisition of intellectual property, harshness, misuse of words, fraud, moral, material or physical harm to others is offered.

Section 8. Moral responsibilities of professors and teachers

– exemplary students in adhering to ethical standards;

– Abstain from the actions contrary to the interests of the Institute;

– if any unpleasant incident or event occurs immediately to inform the administration;

– Prevention of any circumstances that can undermine the authority and influence of the institution;

– not to use information about the institute in order to harm or dispel its interests;

– Promotion of the national traditions, customs and values of morals to the students during the classes;

– To encourage a healthy lifestyle among young people, to be aware of alcoholism and drug addiction, other deadly threats, and religious and extremist attitudes, and “mass culture” attacks;

– Assist in the development of effective forms and methods of spiritual and moral upbringing and education work of trainees.

Section 9 Ethnic responsibilities of students

a) On the territory of the Institute:

– entrance to the territory with a student ID;

– pollution of the territory and disposal of waste only in the bin;

– greetings when faced with teachers;

– Do not walk in the territory without being allowed during the classes;

– Careful attitude to the property of the institute (movable and immovable property, flora and fauna, etc.);

– adhere to dressing and communication skills;

– Do not skip any promotions without the consent of managers;

– Keeping the peace of mind;

– countering the distribution of drugs and psychotropic substances, alcohol and tobacco products. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the above provisions are acknowledged as a failure to report to relevant organizations in a timely manner.

b) in the audience:

– disconnection of the mobile communication means;

– not to speak during class;

– cultural attitudes, not to draw on the desks;

– Do not leave the paper and other unnecessary items;

– non-eating, chewing gum.

c) in places of public catering:

– observe the order of food receipt;

– respect for teachers, women, and elderly people in traffic situations;

– not make a noise during a meal;

– observe the rules established in the general public catering section.

d) at the information resource center:

– To be friendly with IRC staff;

– Eccentric attitude to books and equipment;

– not to speak louder and not to interfere with others;

– not to leave the paper, chewing gum and other waste;

– Compliance with handbooks and furniture.

e) in student dormitories:

– Preservation and not to damage the existing equipment;

– economical use of electricity, gas and water resources;

– adherence to the rules of use of sanitary and hygienic rooms;

– adherence to the “Regulations” and “Internal Regulations” of the student residence

f) sports complexes:

– Introduction to sportswear and footwear;

– Cultural attitude towards sports inventory;

– Transfer of sports inventory to the specified places after training;

– Compliance with the established rules of the sports complex.

g) at places of culture palace and other public events:

– Cultural interactions with seats and other equipment;

– not to whistle during public events, to shout and not to leave without prejudice before the event ends;

– not to fall asleep, to sit on the seats, not to talk to each other, to prevent the surrounding people.


– aspiration to create a positive impression on the Institute with its exemplary behavior and knowledge in various circles;

– deep understanding of noble qualities, such as striving for perfection, living honestly and justly;

– to care for the interests of the institute, its honor and glory, its reputation and influence, and to respect and reverence them.

Section 10. Prohibitions of professor-teachers, employees and students morally

To the professor-teacher:

– discrimination against personality and dignity of team members, discussion of personal and family problems of others;

– Organizing various slander, gossip and harassment on team members and others;

– discuss professional and personal disadvantages of colleagues with their students;

– expulsion of students from unsubsistent workshops;

– Commercial advertisement in trainings;

– Conducting religious activities in training sessions;

– come to training sessions without drunken hair, beard and dress code;

– drinking and smoking in buildings are strictly forbidden.

The student:

– To be rude to professors-teachers, to talk unfounded during classes;

– to discuss the value of others with the professor;

– to take any actions related to libel, obscuration or distortion of professor-teachers;

– disrespect towards employees and their comrades;

– receiving foreign assistance while providing assistance to other people in the execution of other procedures related to the protection of written matters and rating controls;

– hand over assignments or written works from other persons;

– delay or delayed training;

– leaving the audience without the permission of professor-teacher during the classes;

– deliberate harm to another student’s efforts;

– It is strictly forbidden to look modestly in various ways.

Section 11 Ethical relations between the administration, the faculty, and the staff

11.1. The relationships between the faculty, staff are based on the principles of mutual respect, intelligence, diligence, tolerance, humanism, caring, and justice.

11.2. In co-operation with the administration, faculty, and staff on issues related to the work, not allow one side to pressure or act on another party, as well as make decisions that contradict the principles of justice and the interests of the institution.

11.3. It is advisable to solve the problems between employees with an equal level of positions. It is encouraged that employees who are equal in positions to work within the scope of their authority will not be able to deal with administrative issues.

11.4. The procedure for applying to the administration on a case-by-case basis is based on the subordination principle.

11.5. The professor-teacher and the employee are motivated by the initiatives and ideas of the institute to further improve the moral and ethical environment.

11.6. Access to all kinds of benefits for leisure, relaxation, and physical exertion, as well as access to a convenient workplace for the professional and intellectual development of the faculty and staff, the modern computers, the Internet, the library fund and the information resources.

Section 12. Promotion and Response Procedures.

12.1. According to the recommendation of the team members, faculty deans, heads of departments and heads of divisions, who adhered to the “rules” during the academic year and assisted in the further consolidation and strengthening of the highest ethical environment in the institute, will be financially or morally awarded.

12.2. When members of a team violate these “rules”, measures will be taken in accordance with the procedures set out in the disciplinary action section of the institution’s internal procedures. In addition, in order to ensure public control over the behavior of a member of the team, non-observance of these rules was also discussed at the Institute’s United Labor Union Committee, Youth Union of the Institute, Women’s Councils and “Parents” may also include the practice of sending a written notice of a member of the team to the assembly of the mahalla, which he lives in.

13. The order inside the building

13.1. The head of the department of business affairs is responsible for providing educational facilities with the necessary equipment (furniture, educational equipment, normal temperature, lighting, etc.).

The head of cabinets of departments is responsible for the availability and integrity of educational equipment in Labs and cabinets.

Smoking restrictions are strictly prohibited in the territory of the Institute, except where identified.

A fine is imposed on the detainee.

Inside the building of the Institute:

a) walking in a hood and coat;

b) Solidarity, noise, walking through the hallway;

c) smoking;

d) Drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden.

The institute must protect the building of the administration, preserve equipment, equipment, and other necessary things, as well as provide the necessary training in the educational and public premises. Protection of the dyeing and fire protection and sanitary regulations is carried out by the administrative staff of the rector of the institute.

These rules are approved by the Decree No. 9 of the Council of the Institute on April 30, 2018

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