Head of Department Utanova Umida
Reception Wednesday: 15.00-17.00
Saturday: 13.00-15.00
Phone (+99890)353-11-52
(+99871) 254-20-23
Activity of the department “SOCIAL SCIENCES”
The main goal of the department “Social Sciences” is to develop students’ creative and spiritual perfection and a complete understanding of the philosophy of art.
The Department of Social Sciences is considered to be one of the departments that prepares qualified bachelor and master degrees, deeply mastering knowledge and skills aimed at educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and developing their feelings of involvement, learning the secrets of the science of art, to bring social, spiritual and political reforms in Uzbekistan to various strata of the population, and which can become an example for young people with their spiritual appearance.
The department “Social Sciences” was founded in 1997. The activity of the department is aimed at teaching social sciences and humanities at the faculties. In the first years of the department’s existence, such leading scientists of this field as Ph.D. Professor T. Tashlonov, Ph.D. Associate Professor K.Abdullaev, Ph.D. Associate Professor E. Safayeva, and later Doctor of Laws assistant professor. B.Toshov, Doctor of Soc. M. Bekmurodov, Doctor of Politics Professor N. Dzhuraev, Ph.D. T. Sultanov, d.polit.n. Professor N.Nazarov, Doctor of Philosophy Professor U. Koraboev.
Currently, the department conducts their scientific and pedagogical activities Ph.D., professor Y. Utanova, doctor of historical sciences, professor K.Inoyatov, doctor of historical sciences, professor I. Ostonakulov, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Y. Mamazoitova, candidate of legal sciences G.Abdullakhodzhayev, academician AN Turon R.Hasanov, associate professor N.Alimov, associate professor D.Jumaniyazova, young specialists G.Siddikova, G.Masharipova, B.Marufboev and Sh.Ganiev.
In the current academic year, the department has 8.5 professors and 8.5 professors working at the department. Among them are doctors of science, professors – 3; Candidates of technical sciences, associate professors – 6; senior teachers – 4 people.
Disciplines taught in undergraduate (uz / rus):
- History of Uzbekistan;
- Philosophy;
- Religious studies;
- Sociology;
- Civil society. Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan;
- National idea: strategy of development of Uzbekistan;
- Copyright;
- Intellectual property law.
Disciplines taught in master (uz / rus):
- Research methodology;
- Patenting;
At the Department of Social Sciences a grant project was implemented on the topic “Problems of developing the aesthetic taste of young people through art” announced by the Committee of Science and Technology at the competition of scientific and practical grants for 2015–2017. A grant on aesthetics “Aesthetic taste” was published as part of the grant.
The project of the scientific and practical grant on the theme “Using the possibilities of the visual arts in creating a strong civic position among the youth” for 2018-2020 is being implemented.