On April 3, 2019, a seminar was organized at the Westminster International University of Tashkent together with the National Institute of arts and design named after Kamoliddin Behzod and the Tashkent architectural construction Institute. The seminar was attended by the teaching staff, doctoral students and students of each University. A seminar held on the theme of “Aspiring future“, presentations were made by basic doctorals of the Institute Oybek Kasymov and Asalkhon Rakhmatullaeva, senior lecturer of the Department “Interior and landscape” of the Tashkent Architectural construction Institute Yelena Dobronravova.

The event was opened by the head of the Department of social development of students of WIUT Guzal Sultanova with an introductory speech, and presented to the guests of the seminar moderator Etibor Mirzanazarova.

The moderator, in turn, introduced the participants. The first speaker A. Rakhmatullaeva, held a historic part of the seminar with a speech on “Interpretation of landscape in miniature to the poems of medieval poets” talked about the images of nature in miniature paintings, paying particular attention to their interpretation.

The next speaker O. Kasymov presented his report on “Features of living environment and landscape design in Tashkent”. He paid special attention to the gradual development of the urban environment and the modern look of the city.

E. Dobronravova, senior lecturer, TACI made a presentation on “Urban landscape and design approach to its projecting of the example of student work” The author spoke about the design, development and the new projects of the city in the future.

The speakers presented their presentations with slides. At the end of the seminar the docent of the Department of “History and theory of art”, Candidate of Art Sciences Ravshan Fatxullaev expressed his opinion on the reports and thanked the staff of WIUT.

During the event, the guests received answers to their questions. The seminar made a great impression on the participants and visitors. At the end of the event, they hoped that such meetings, seminars and events will be held between higher education institutions.

Asalkhon Rakhmatullaeva

The basic doctoral

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