Exhibition and competition of “The Image of Muhammad Yusuf in the works of fine arts “

In the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan and in the Museum of Oriental Miniature art named after Kamoliddin Behzod with the assistance of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, the exhibition competition “Muhammad Yusuf in Works of fine Arts “, organized among young artists, dedicated to the 65 anniversary of the National poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition on the occasion of the 65 anniversary of Muhammad Yusuf, a famous figure and poet of Uzbek poetry, the national poet of Uzbekistan with the participation of public Fund of Muhammad Yusuf, editorial office of the newspaper “Oltin Kalam”, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, writers ‘ Union of Uzbekistan, National Institute of Fine Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod and partner organizations. A Ceremony of awarding the contest participants was also organized.

The Exhibition was opened by Akmal Vahodzhanovich Nuriddinov the Chairman of the Academy of arts of Uzbekistan, National Artist of Uzbekistan. He told about the role and significance of the favorite folk poet Mohammed Yusuf in Uzbek poetry. And also congratulated all family members and fans of the poet who participated in the exhibition. Guest of the event, national poet of Uzbekistan, Usman Azim gave a speech, in which he told about the favorite poet of M. Yusuf.

The Exhibition was opened by Akmal Vahodzhanovich Nuriddinov the Chairman of the Academy of arts of Uzbekistan, National Artist of Uzbekistan. He told about the role and significance of the favorite folk poet Mohammed Yusuf in Uzbek poetry. And also congratulated all family members and fans of the poet who participated in the exhibition. Guest of the event, national poet of Uzbekistan, Usman Azim gave a speech, in which he told about the favorite poet of M. Yusuf.

      The Competition was held in two stages, the first stage was held on March 5, the second stage was held in the first decade of April. The Works submitted to the competition were evaluated by the professors and teachers of the National Institute of Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod and representatives of the public fund “Muhammad Yusuf”.

After that, the winners were identified in four directions, and the first direction was to create the image of Muhammad Yusuf:
      The winners of the competition were awarded with a diploma, a collection of poems and a cash prize.
1st place winner – Jumaev Ziyodulla, diploma, collections of poetry works, 1000000 sum cash prize;
2nd place winner – Ulugbek Mamarurdiev, Javohir Niyazov diploma, Collection of works of poet, 700000 soums prize;
Winner of the 3rd place – Zilola Nazarova, Turaev Ilhom, Jurabek diploma, collection of poet works, 500,000 soums.

The Winners of the promotional prize of the second direction-for the creation of the sculptural work, were Sarvar Rakhimov and Mamurjon Makhmudov, they were awarded with diplomas, collections of poems and cash prizes.

The Winner of the 1st place – Ismoilov Elmurod – Diploma, collection of poetic works and cash prize in 1 000 000 (one million) sums.

2nd place- Keldijov Yusuf, Rasulov Jamol – Diplomas, collection of poetic works and cash prize in 700 000 (seven hundred thousand) sums.

3rd place-Odilova Maftuna, Zoirov Nabijon, Shahobidddinov Nodir-received a prize, a collection of poetic works and a cash prize of 500 000 (five hundred thousand) sums.

  In the third direction, the promotional prizes were awarded for the best painting works, written in the poet’s poems to Tahirjan Turgunbayev, Sadara Yuldashev, Magamet Akhmedov, Muhammadali Kayumov (Diploma, collection of poems and prize money) for the best work in fine arts on the poet’s poems.

1st place – Dzhumakulov Asadbek – Diploma, collection of poetic works, cash prize in 1 million (one million) sums.

2nd place-Kenzhayev Behzod-Diploma, collection of poetic works, cash prize in 700 000 (seven hundred thousand) sums;

3rd place-Zoirov Behzod-Diploma, collection of poetic works, cash prize in 500 000 (five hundred thousand) sums.

Promotional Prizes in 4 direction – for the best scientific and popular article devoted to the poet’s work were awarded to Shahlo Sabirdzhanova, Mukhsina Akbarkhodjaeva, Sarvinoz Sharapova, Dilrabo Yahyoyeva – Diplomas, collection of poems and cash prizes .

Winner of 1st place – Kamola Mirzajonova, diploma and poet’s works, a prize of 1,000,000 (one million) soums;

2nd place winner – Marguba Kakhramonova’s diploma and poet’s works, a prize of 700000 (seven hundred thousand) soums;

Winner of 3rd place – Nilufar Saidova dipom and collection of poet works, a prize of 500000 (five hundred thousand) soums.

Nazira Assalom was awarded with memorable prizes for his active participation in the organization of the exhibition-Competition of the Chairman of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, the people’s Artist of Uzbekistan, academician Akmal Vahabjonovich Nureddinov, the chairman of the writers ‘ Union Of Uzbekistan Said Sirozhyndinov, head of the Museum of Oriental miniature named after K. Behzod Gulabzal Karshiyeva, rector of The National Institute of Arts and Design named after K. Behzoda Nodirbek Sayfullaev, chairman of the National Association of NGO Support Of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Yusupov and sponsors in the face of Farkhada Khalimov.

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